Sept. 21, 2008


  1. SHOo

    It’s fantastic! I adore that last panel! He’s sooooo cute!

  2. Ed McKeogh

    I love books like that! *Heart of the Sea* was engrossing! …Perhaps I shouldn’t say things like that out loud.

  3. Andre Stratmann

    amazing! very good

  4. Matt Pott

    Love The Shadows, Kiskaloo is Back !!

  5. Larry Levine

    Hi Chris, Outstanding strip (as always).

  6. jeremythedog

    my library is just rife with the same dramatic lighting!

  7. smacleod


  8. Szymon

    He’s so scarry on last panel 😉 Greetings from Poland.

  9. Stitch

    I was expecting her to be really mad, but it looks like she just didn’t care about that hit and explained a bit what it is. lol.
    I love that last Panel, though, even if he’s not reading something about Kayaking. 😀

  10. Super-Munkyboy

    Brilliant, its brilliant I tell you.

    Bring on the Ogo mechandise.

  11. Davide Inglima - limaCAT

    Thanks for keeping Kiskaloo alive! I love the poor little cat :)

  12. jeremythedog

    stitch: the funny thing about being hit on the head with a paddle is sometimes you don’t remember everything clearly.

  13. bea

    you – are – a – genius !!!! *O*

  14. Amber

    I love this comic. Keep it up!

  15. Stitch

    jeremythedog: Funny thing is, I was kinda wondering if she lost her memory by that hit, and that Ogo would take advantage of that.

  16. Stitch

    Sorry for double submitting; but is there some kind of limit on how much to post in the comments? Because when I make long comments, I have to very shortening it to allow submitting.

  17. Teresa

    Brilliant as always 😀

  18. Donovan

    You know, I’ve kayack-ed before… not too far from teh truth.. but better scenery.

  19. chiaki

    This story is wonderful!!

    I hope this story will be books in japan:)

    I am sure to buy that book!!

  20. Hobbit1978

    CHRIS!! Where are the hula girl sculptures?!! I want them, I need them, I must have one for my own!!! Gimme Gimme Gimme!!

  21. dave o.

    Very funny, Mr. Sanders!

  22. roo100

    first time reader here. nice comic. i guess i’ll follow this for a while. what does “kiskaloo” mean?

  23. Mongrol

    Can’t get enough of this strip.Love it.
    What software do you use to ink Chris?

  24. MyNameisStitch

    HAHAHA, Great stuff Chris! I love Ogo!

  25. TimK

    Line about the shirtless fat man cracked me – a lot.

  26. Bagels

    He’s been reading that book for awhile now…

  27. Scuba&Sky

    WOW Chris! I just gotta say I absolutely LOVED “How To Train Your Dragon!” (Like you haven’t heard that before these past couple months…) But honestly. I am in the Navy, and words cannot express what a good feeling it gives me to be able to watch a movie like that when I’m so far from home. In a way, it brings me back! (sappy, I know.) But seriously. Thank you! From the bottom of my heart!