March 10, 2008

Kiskaloo: mar 10, 2008


  1. MIKEH

    Heee! Dispoouser!

  2. Parrot


    Absolutely love your work, Chris!

    wish I was working for you, even though I’m not an artist. (yet.)

  3. Martha

    that’s sooooo cOoL!!! I found your website by searching for you on google after watching lilo & stitch and then I come up with this.

    It’s great!!!


  4. Tez

    HAHAHAHA……love it!

  5. Emily

    XD hahahahaaaa I love that threat! In the sink he goes and if he says or does anything stupid he gets the disposer… I love it!

  6. butterlied412

    Why don’t they just use the tube…must be clogged with lettuce;)

  7. butterlied412

    sorry, “TUB!”