June 23, 2008

Kiskaloo: June 23, 2008


  1. Joey Livingston

    “I didn’t expect people who drink tea to have so much control over the undead.” LOL, classic.

  2. Stitch

    This is most likely my favorite one so far. ^_^
    I really like the one with all the bats.
    It is so detailed, and so scrambled together.
    Wish I could draw it like that, Because if I draw it like that, I know it would just be a big mess in the end. LOL! XD
    Good Job. 😉

  3. Little_Cy

    How is this a rip-off of Calvin & Hobbes? This is completely a Chris Sanders work from the ground up, the only influence I might even slightly detect are conventions from Peanuts, but they seem to be more of homages than rip-offs. And Ogo’s wide mouth is Sanders’ style as well, even if it may remind you of Calvin, it was Sander’ style long before C&H came to life. I love C&H and what Watterson did for the art form of comics, but I’m getting annoyed by everybody accussing Kiskaloo of being a copycat when it clearly isn’t.

  4. d'Glenn

    “the only influence I might even slightly detect are conventions from Peanuts, but they seem to be more of homages than rip-offs”

    And what late XXth/early XXIst Century cartoonist isn’t influenced by Peanuts?

  5. Ann

    I know it’s 2 years later but I’m just discovering this funny series! the Calvin & Hobbes “similarity” comes from the lack of pupils in their eyes (so what?), and maybe a smidge from the relationship between the characters (not only the girl and the cat, but the cat and the rabbit in the graveyard). I see it but I don’t think of it as a “rip-off.”